It has a very simple and efficient interface, making the game easy to play.
Online ticket to ride Pc#
The PC version captures the flavor of the board game very well. That was mainly due to a self-inflicted wound, I chose to keep a destination card I drew without noticing the shortest route was blocked. It was a lot of fun even though I was beaten, but just barely. I played my first solo game against an AI player and finished it in 15 minutes. Just fire up your PC, load the game, and start playing. Another advantage is that if no one wants to play it is no big deal. It also arranges the cards nice and neatly for you, no worries about losing one by dropping one of them on the floor.

That forces you to rescore everything just to make sure the marker is at the correct spot when that happens. For one thing it does all the math for you, no reason to worry about moving the counter to keep score, which sometimes happens in the board game. Since I already owned the board game I wanted to see how the PC version compared to it and it has several advantages. If you haven’t played the board game read the game rules first, then take the tutorial. If you’ve played the board game before then this game won’t be very hard to learn at all. I’ve played the board game version and wanted to see if this was just as much fun as the board game when playing solo. I noticed STEAM has this as a PC version of game and couldn’t resist buying it. It’s easy to learn and not very adversarial, so beating your wife probably won’t lead to being locked out of the bedroom! You can play it with your kids but there’s enough of a strategy element in it to keep you interested. This is a game that is suited for almost all ages. A very nice distraction, and very calm and relaxing! The AI will give you a good game and it can be played in a little as 15 minutes. The game is worth the $9.99 I paid for it and the expansions are cheap as well. Do you get greedy and build up the train cards you have in your hand, or succumb to the fear of losing a critical route, forcing you to make a move you might not otherwise have made until later in the game?

The most enjoyable part is making one of two critical choices. You have to do this before someone gets down to two trains or less. Ticket To Ride is a fun board game where you try to connect the most cities with train cards for the most points, the longer the routes the higher the points.